
Friday, January 16, 2015

Freshly Finished Friday - Week 2
I did not link up last week, as I had nothing finished...but I have two projects this week....

First, this has been a rough week back at work....I am I take iron daily..however, iron can cause other I haven't taken it regularly this of the side effects of anemia is being tired...I've been exhausted this week...I'm back on it now...but I have not had the energy for much crafting this week...once I got home, I pretty much ate, watched some tv and went to bed...and then on Tuesday night, I had a reaction to something and broke out in hives all over my legs...had to send the Hubs to the store for some Benadryl.....everything seems to be on track again! Thank goodness!

So Sunday night or Monday night, I can't remember, I was getting my clothes ready for the next day and realized I had no handcrafted item that went with casting about, I found a skein of Patons Shetland Chunky that matched the color of the pants...and whipped up a quick crocheted cowl....or maybe it was Tuesday night?...yeah, I think it was Tuesday....

And then, of course, we have The Mittens....I talked about these in my YOP post on Sunday....and here they are!
I'm not sure if I'm loving the white...I'm not a white wearing occasional I'm thinking, I might make some flowers to go on these....

They are my first attempt at mittens and I think I did quite well...there is a bit of a decrease issue, but I changed the beginning stitch count, so that might be the reason...The pattern is Waiting for Winter
mittens...I first read about this pattern on Renee Anne's blog....and I'll definitely make it again...maybe this weekend?

Incidentally, Alexa of TinCan Knits just posted about The Mitten, too! Her pictures are way cuter than mine...but I was racing the sun when I got home on Thursday to take them...the sun was setting, as I took the pictures...and I don't have kids, so no cute toys...

But, I did just buy Glurt, to add to my Stargate Lego's in front of my computer....
Aray Kree!  The Goa'uld is demanding of Glurt...while the angry kitty bristles and the Ewok tries to ignore it all....the frog was given to me in a swap, because it reminded the person of Kaylee from yes..lots of mixed geekdoms here....

Saturday I am heading into NYC for VogueKnitting Live...I'm going in with a that is why I may cast on some mittens to work on during the train ride....we'll see...what are you up to?

Also linking up with Creative Friday and Wisdom in Wonder, but their links are not live yet...


  1. I love the mittens! I think a little colour on them would be super cute. you've got a great base to work with.

  2. So jealous. It's been too long since I was at a Stitches event and I've never been to Vogue!

  3. Those mittens are addicting. I've made five pairs and I'm taking break for awhile.

  4. I think your mittens look great for a first timer. There are about a trillion wonderful mitten patterns out there if you find that you like making them.

    No link from me because I didn't finish anything this week.

  5. I think the mittens look great. If there is a mistake, you sure can't see it from here. They'll be snuggly warm I'm sure.

    Have a great time at Vogue Live.

  6. I love the idea of wearing something handmade with every outfit.

  7. Vogue Knitting Live? Sounds fabulous!

  8. Adding flowers sounds good, I am not much of a white/plains person either x

  9. Great mittens, some flowers on them would look great. Have fun at Vogue knitting live!

  10. I'm so impressed with your quick cowl! And I love that you thought about wearing something handmade :) The mittens look super cozy and I hope your kids loved them at school! I know when I taught it was always easier to keep kids interested if I had a relevant prop! Enjoy VKLive!! Can't wait to hear about it!

  11. Your mittens look great! I am always leary about white too. Quick cowls rock.
