
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 4

Happy Wednesday morning from the snow covered Northeast USA.   Where I live, we did not get the expected totals, but it was still enough for a snow day and a delayed opening for today...The eastern parts of the state and north of us got walloped...

I had a pj day and knit most of the day, finishing sock one of my Stepping Stones...
The toe is a bit wonky, as I had too many stitches...but I can live with it....this is the first time I've used my sock blockers...had them forever, just forgot about them....

I also worked for a bit on my Zuzu's this colorway!
And my Dark Side of the Moon socks.....and earlier in the week, my Hawk Baktus.....but then I had to go and do grades....and I tripped and this happened...
I braced myself from falling with my hand, causing shooting pains in my wrist up to my elbow...luckily I had a brace from a previous wore it for the rest of the night...but the knitting/crocheting was done for the night, so I read...
I really enjoy her books....I've read them all, except this one....

So what did you work on this past week?  Did you get hit with any of the snow? I think we have potential for more later this week....

Please link up with us...and if you do, please provide a link back from your blog....comments are always appreciated...and I visit each person who visits me and leaves a comment....have a wonderful rest of the week!


  1. No snow for us yet :( I would like some, though ...

  2. Ouch. I hope your wrist feels better soon. I love the green theme you have going there. Pretty yarn!

  3. I hope your wrist is better soon. Sorry about all that stupid snow. It's 50 degrees here and not a cloud in the sky. My sympathies to everyone in the northeast.

  4. Ouch.

    I'm still dealing with Mommy's Thumb after almost five months. ::sigh:: At least I'm not in the brace anymore. That thing was annoying!

  5. We are lower midwest and we got a sprinkling I wasn't even expecting. But quickly gone the next day. I must say I think it's hysterical the way people act about snow these days. Like it's a new phenom we have never before seen. OMG it's going to snow 24", it's NEVER snowed 24" before, EVER, ANYWHERE, AT ALL! Sure, it's no fun getting out in it if you have to, but come on. We used to go to school with several inches on the ground, now because of busing we close up school at the first sign of a flake.

  6. Your socks look lovely. I'm waiting for my new sock yarn to arrive. I love Kate Morton - I've read all her books and they're so well written.

  7. No snow here ....LOL However, just a bit north of us in Jacksonville, they got some snow flurries two weeks ago.

    Hope your wrist feels better soon.

  8. I finished a hat but unfortunatelly forgot to take a photograph. I hope to write a post about the hat next week. :-)
