
Monday, January 19, 2015

Vogue Knitting Live 2015 - part 1

This was going to be my second time attending...I asked my friend, Maureen, if she wanted to go..and yes..she was so excited...

We left at the butt-crack of dawn to catch the 7:10 train into was absolutely freezing!

The train ride was about 2 hours...and we got there with no problem, but then the 7 train was shut down in Grand Central..and we had to find the shuttle over to Times Square...I had no idea there was a shuttle, how convenient!

A little bit of a walk and we got to the venue.....the last time I went it was in a different venue and I felt was too small....and inconvenient...again the Marketplace was on two floors, and it was crowded, but not overly so...

We did skip booths that were too crowded or ones that we see at many of the fiber shows....I kept having to remind myself to take pictures...The first thing you saw was this amazing teepee
The first vendor was The Yarn Company...and I knew I wanted some of the The Verdant Gryphon's Apocalypse on the Wall...but it was too early to buy yet..

Both The Yarn Company and The Verdant Gryphon were next to each other....and hung their skeins like this....and then the yarn to buy was in big their was a lot of room in their booths...

So now some pretties...

Then we ended up in the Arne & Carlos booth...they had a fantastic book, and I almost bought it, but since I'm going to Norway this summer, I decided to wait...but my friend modeled their amazing cape and bought the pattern...

I loved this...but they didn't have kits in these colors..and the other colors didn't speak to me..
Then we wandered some more until The Indigodragonfly booth, where I finally snagged a skein of Then Buffy Staked Edward. The End...I have been trying to get this yarn for a very long time...just for the name alone!...So I bought that and a book, Kate Atherley's Knit Accessories...(sorry pictures are dark, yesterday there was no sun)
We wandered into a button booth and I came out with two vintage buttons..
Then we hit the Biscotte & Cie still my heart...stripey yarn galore!!!!!

I came out with an owl sock kit and some green self-striping..yes I know I don't need anymore green yarn....but the pretty...and it came with a pattern...

Can you see the owls?  So awesome!!!!!!

Met Maria of Subway Knits at the One Geek to Craft Them All booth, then we headed to the next floor...

and that will be another there are lots of pictures for that one...


  1. Thanks for posting about your trip. It's great to see Vogue Knitting Live, even if it is second hand. That cape pattern is very cool. Indigodragonfly has, bar none, the best yarn names.

  2. So jealous!!! Can't wait until I can get to a market again.
