
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Another Snowy Saturday....with Stash

So on this fourth snowy weekend in a row (it may only be the third, but it seems like it has snowed every weekend for weeks and weeks).....anyhow.....I have some stash to add on this snowy Saturday....

First up....

A kit from Holiday Yarns...I don't remember how many months this runs....this might be the last.....and while I'm not a fan of these particular colors...I'm interested to see how they will knit up....and they can always be a gift....

Secondly is the latest Nerd Girl Random Fandom...inspired by 300...which I have not seen....I know, I know...Gerard Butler and all....

This is Sparta! It has sparkles....I do like these colors...

And I joined a group, Addicted to Sock Knitting, on Facebook..and well, its worse than Ravelry....because these gorgeous socks keep coming through my feed....same thing with anyway, someone was making Wicked Witch of The West socks...and well I had to get me from Neeley's Knits, comes this...

So I'll be making some of those....and today there was something about an Outlander sock might be getting that......

How is your Saturday? Is it snowing and snowing where you are? It's suppose to end tomorrow...and then we have another coming in on Tuesday...

I'm up there in the Never region.....


  1. I thought of you when I was watching the Weather Channel the other day. Stupid snow! It'll be interesting to see those Wicked Witch socks. Stripey, yes?

  2. Do you think it would be possible to build some cross-country pipelines for water...that way, we could try to stave off our drought here while simultaneously getting rid of some of your snow.

  3. I'm way down in that Quick Warmup area!

    I love addicted to sock knitting. Boy is there a lot of inspiration in that group. :::wink:::

  4. Gorgeous yarns! Gerard Butler in 300 ... oh my yes. We got another foot of snow this past weekend, on top of the 3+ we already had ...
