
Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow Day #2....and the real storm....

Last week's blizzard was very they always are...hey ratings are hard to come by nowadays with so much competition....but in the middle of Connecticut, where I live, we got about 7 inches...not that much...we had a snow day and a delay the next had pretty much stopped by 3 and the cleanup could begin....but the eastern part of the state was walloped and they were still digging out...

Today we had a snowstorm, with a much bigger impact on my area of the state (but couldn't be called a blizzard, because the wind gusts were not as heavy).....not sure what the final total will be we are at about 6:45 AM..
It was snowing at a pretty good clip, but small flakes....

by about noon, it had slowed down a bit...
And then about 3:00, it kicked back up again...we started getting huge flakes, then smaller flakes, then a lot of flakes again....
It finally stopped around 6 or so...but temps are dropping to below zero....and everything is going to freeze they just called a snow day for the sidewalks will not be cleared enough for the safety of the that's three we have to make more....but we have two more storms heading for us in the next week....

                       (Connecticut just had a bunch of earthquakes a couple of weeks ago)


  1. Fresh snow is always so pretty!

    Sounds like a good day to stay in and stitch with a good pot of tea by your side.

  2. I love snow as long as I can stay inside and enjoy it from the cozy warmth of my home.. Lovely weather to crochet :)
