
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 7

I hope this week is finding everyone in good health...I have had a craptastic last it can only get better....

I have one Stepping Stones socks, which I showed yesterday...but will probably post another picture on Friday...

I was also making a shawl for my friend's mom who just passed away...she will not wear a shawl, so I turned it into a cowl for her....I'm going to add buttons, so she can wear it as a scarf or as a this will be shown on Friday...

I also worked on my Baktus during Walking Dead and put another couple inches on it....

I also started another pair of socks for the Love Your Library challenge....

I have joined two new groups on Facebook....Addicted to Sock Knitting and Addicted to Indie Dyed Yarn, which is an off-shoot of the first group...come join us.....

I also started reading Cinder  on the nook.  I kinda stopped reading the Kate Morton book...sometimes I do that....I just stop reading something and then pick it up later....

So, if you have anything that you have been working on, please post and link up with us.....and please post a link back to us....many of you still have Tami's links up..and she is no longer doing these...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking over the WIP Wednesday task!
