
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Year of projects - Week 8

Out my back screen door....
Must be the weekend.....cause it's snowing again...seriously..every weekend for the past several weeks....although today it should get up to the forties....after the icy crud stops falling from the sky..

oh, well...onto the fibery goodness....

2015 Completed Projects:
White mittens - 1/10/15
Quick Crochet Cowl - 1/12/
Stripes Cowl - 1/22/15
Frosty, the Snowman - 1/24/15
Head Wrap - 1/24/15
H's Everyday Socks 2/7/2015
Stepping Stones 2/17/15
Ita's Shawl 2/18/15

Well look at there!  I have two more finishes...another pair of thick, squooshy Stepping Stones.....and Ita's shawl....I showed off both of these on Friday....

WIPS: Crochet:
Mission Falls Poncho: (Started 2006)
Round Ripple: (Started 2006 (?) Aiden)

Around the World Afghan: (April 2010): about ¼ done
Betty Shrug: I don’t know how long I’ve been working on this, but it only has an arm and a border to go.
Sunrise Sunset Afghan: this has been hibernating awhile, 6 squares done.
Tis the Season (11/10/13)

Tabard Tunic (NW Diss 2/1/14)

Learn to Knit Afghan: (started 2010): 3 squares done
Light in Shadows (1/14/14)
Garter Path (6/1/14) 
Turtleneck Capelet #2 (8/12/14)  

Willow Fields (9/6/14)  
Shark in the Woods (11/27/14)
Olivia Owl (12/14/14)
Hawk Baktus  (1/19?15)

Kai-Mei: (April 2012)
Faces in Wallpaper (Sept 2013)
Adele Socks (April 2013)
Johnny's Socks (Jan 2013)
Irish Tea (Feb 2015)

Splashy Flowers: (May 2011)
Larry Stashbuster Scarf (2012)

Beach Bag: (started May 2010)  Just needs lining sewn in
Fire and Blood (5/4/14)
Outlander MKAL (8/8/14) 
Zuzu's Petals (1/1/15)
Downton Abbey (1/4/15)

Far Side of the Moon (1/16/15)

Sunflower: (August 2012) Need a back and to felt  

 What else did I work on?  well I pulled out my Adele socks and got several more rows done...I'm at a point of, do I want to start the heel flap now?

I also worked a bit on my Irish Tea socks....they are toe up and already a bit big..and I'm suppose to increase for the special heel support...and I think they will just be too they were set aside for the moment...

I also put in a couple rounds on my sits on the side of my bed in a pretty yarn bowl, asking to be worked on every day.....

And many more rows on my Hawk Batkus....almost to the halfway point, I believe...

Except for the Irish Tea, which is part of a challenge...I have successfully staved off the "must cast on/hook all the things" feeling....I've also been doing quite well on the yarn acquisition front..and resisting the urge to splurge.....

As I have no pictures of about some creepy dolls?  I went to a local indoor flea market yesterday looking for an old sock egg....found one...but also lots of creepy dolls....

And this was only half of the booth! See you next week.....

Projects in Mind - I have the pattern and the yarn  - this list is remaining about the same...I could add a ton to it...but I'm not going to at the moment...I think when I move one of these projects to the WIP category, I will add another project to this list...I like seeing it all laid out..and it is not overwhelming to me..because it's my list and I can follow it or not!


Owl for Rose
Hats for friend's babies (ongoing)
Hats for students (ongoing)

Kimberly Skye's tunic
garter for Caitlin
Two Elsa doll/blanket things

Test Pattern Sweater
Car Coat
Cowl Vest
West End Scarf 
Gathering Leaves
Petal Edge Scarf
Filippi Scarf 
Firefly Scarf 
Danube Cowl
Simple City
Fire and Ice
Holden Shawlette
Trellis Shawl
Bedford Springs Shawl   
Hats and Mitts
Hermione Hearts Ron
Nehalm Hat
Cabled Headband
Cayunga Hat and Mitts set
Ruffled hat and mitts
Evergreen Gloves
Sheepy Cuffs
Twisted Rib Mitts and Hat
Memento Mori
Siren Socks
Savory Lace Socks

Autumn Flame
Rescue Me, Chin Boy and Show Me the Stars
Twin peaks
Sarape Shopper
Pleated Purse
Circular Felted Bag


  1. I love porcelain dolls. I have quite a collection myself. SO I don't see them as creepy at all. Congrats on the 2 completed projects and your self control of not starting anything else new....yet.

  2. I think it's the blank stare of the dolls that make them so creepy.

    Years ago I went to a flea market that had a building dedicated to dolls, circus stuff and glass eyes. It creeped me out so much I had to leave the building.

    Never did like clowns and this just made it all the worse. LOL

  3. My SIL has an old roll she calls Scary Mary! She truly is hideous!!!

  4. While I've found very little evidence that my grandmother was a knitter, one of the things I've found was her darning egg (I think I have two that were hers...maybe three). And they look well-used. My (new) one hasn't been used at all. I've not had to darn my socks yet. Someday, perhaps...

  5. You have been busy. The dolls are creepy, I don't like the way they sit!!

  6. Oh! I am so jealous of all the snow everyone is getting! We are barely even getting any rain here in "rainy" old Seattle. As I sit here with the sun shining and my jackets hanging lonely and forgotten in the cupboard I know I am supposed to be grateful for this mild weather, but I am a seasons girl-especially the older I get. I find snow and storms exciting so I really don't feel all that grateful. Our ski areas have already closed and they never really even go going, some of them. I am bracing myself for another unseasonable hot summer too... but anyways, enough whining about my weather. Congrats on the finishes and I am looking forward to seeing more of your socks!

  7. Well done on your finishes, that's great news! I'm jealous of the snow (slightly), we had one day of snow in February and that was it.
