
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 12

Good morning, good morning!  Today I am at professional development all day....can't wait to see what the classroom looks like tomorrow....some substitutes are wonderful...some play on their phone all day....I will take a project with me to fill in the downtime today.....I rarely take projects to there isn't any downtime....and there is always something that needs to be done...

Books:  I am on the third book of The Lunar Chronicles, really enjoying these....they are sci-fi takeoffs of fairy tales...Cinder = Cinderella, Scarlet = Little Red Riding Hood, and Cress = Rapunzel..

So it's socks again for me....although I did pull out my Baktus during The Walking Dead on's pretty mindless....
And so I still have two 1st socks done and am almost done with 2 others....someone asked me why I have so many...well it's because I get bored...I can rotate.....also when I might be going somewhere and think to bring a project...many times I just grab a new skein and cast on a vanilla-y type's small, portable and I don't really have to think about it....

So what about you?  Do you carry projects with you? (I don't typically, since I drive...I usually don't have the time, but occasionally)  Do you work on projects during your downtime..when you know you actually "working?"

 So join up and share with us this week....please provide a link back from your blog...thanks!


  1. Lovely yarn:)
    Sometimes I take my knitting bag with me when I go places, sometimes I don't. It seems that when I do I have no time to work on things but when I don't I get stuck someplace with nothing to do.

  2. i like those stripes!

    I don't usually carry a project with me unless I think I'll be waiting around for a while. Sometimes when I'm deep into something I'm really enjoying, or if I'm working to a deadline, I'll bring my knitting on the bus with me.

  3. Are you seeking help for your sock addiction ? ;)

  4. I have a sock project in my purse but as I'm usually the driver, I don't get to work on it except on long trips (when Husband drives)....but I've been known to pull it out at the park, so that's good.

    I also have an addiction to socks. I currently have three pairs on the needles. One pair (my longest-going pair thus far) I just started the second sock, the other two I'm still on the first sock...but I'm about halfway through the foot on both so second socks for all soon...maybe. We'll see how things go :)

  5. I ALWAYS have knitting with me. I can't cope without it, even if it's two stitches in the post office queue.

  6. I usually take my knitting with me, but I didn't when I was teaching - for the same reason that you mentioned, there weren't enough hours in the day for knitting back then!
