
Monday, April 20, 2015

Love Your Blog: Ugly

This week's prompt is Ugly....and I'm sure many people will blog about ugly projects....I had two topics I thought about...but thinking about them, both topics could be merged into one....I decided to blog about how sometimes people online can be "ugly" to each other....

I love my online communities and relationships....but sometimes you come across some really ugly behavior....

I was recently reading a new blog (to me) and the first comment was a nasty, racist comment that had nothing to do with the post....I was shocked...and I was shocked that the author of the blog let it remain...that tells me that the owner of the blog had probably not read her comments (she may have not done it yet....and honestly I've forgotten which blog it was, so I can't go back and check to see if it's been deleted)...and the comment was anonymous....

* I always read my comments...and if  I think it needs a reply, I will in some manner (blogger is not easy for letting us comment back)...and the whole anonymous aspect allows people to be trolls and nasty....

I was also recently reading a fairly popular blog, and the author had to make a caveat at the end, that no, she would not share the pattern, as it was a paid pattern....she had been receiving emails asking her to share a recent pattern....seriously?

* That is copyright infringement and people spend a lot of time writing patterns!  It also includes lots of ***shudder*** math!  it's why I have never written a pattern for some of the things I've made, although I've been asked....

Kathy Merrick, a designer, got all kinds of flack when her Babette Blanket was released...go ahead, google Babette blanket, I'll wait.....(or here)  People were all kinds of upset with her for not giving them special privileges/help/etc...I've met Kathy...she is a wonderful person, and she did try to help people, but I know she stayed away from Ravelry for quite a while because of the flack....

* And no matter how wonderful Ravelry is, it also has sometimes descended into chaos over something someone said/did/perceived was done to them.....and "entitled" behavior makes me crazy!!!

And I've had or heard about some ugly stuff that has happened between knitters and crocheters....sometimes knitters can be downright condescending about crochet....and can be really nasty about it....I have crocheted much longer than I have knit...and I see benefits of both...I make a lot of amigurmis....and I prefer crocheted the fabric is sturdier...

I've actually been to yarn shops where they have no crochet on display and are pretty dismissive to you, as a crocheter....there are some beautiful crocheted things out there....the Babette Blanket, for one!  Although...eek! Motifs!

Some of my favorites, I have made in crochet.....
And a Kathy Merrick design....
 and Wil-key, he is mine, but I've made this pattern now 4 times!

I'm always disappointed when I see the "ugly" happen, because for the most part, yarny people are a wonderful, inclusive group

* And this was demonstrated recently by Crafts from the Cwtch...she is hosting a Knit Along, when several people commented that they would like to join, but did not knit...she turned it into a Make Along.....

.....As the sign in my classroom says....Because Nice Matters...we should all try to be nice to each other...


  1. Totally agree with you. Nothing makes a person feel 2" tall when someone else jumps all over a comment; it turns my blood cold. This happened to me recently on a spinner/knitter blog. I made a comment about someone's beautiful yarn she spun and the beginnings of a shawl she was knitting. She commented she had about a pound of fiber yet to spin; I said "can't wait to see your shawl finished". Another person jumped in and said "not likely!" I was flabbergasted! What did I say wrong? Well, I called her out, saying I was commenting on so and so's post about the shawl. Well, the rude commentor did apologize, saying she had me confused with another blogger. Yikes! As for knit vs. crochet, you're right. There's a pattern and preference for all. I don't understand the animosity. Makes you want to just shut yourself up in your own world and crochet....or peace. Have a great day with whatever fiber goodness you so desire. Great post, btw!

  2. Very well said. There is a myth somewhere that all crafters/knitters etc are 'nice'. Whilst the overwhelming majority in our community are nothing but supportive and friendly there are always going to be a few negative voices especially when they can hide behind the anonymity of the web.

  3. Very well said. There is a myth somewhere that all crafters/knitters etc are 'nice'. Whilst the overwhelming majority in our community are nothing but supportive and friendly there are always going to be a few negative voices especially when they can hide behind the anonymity of the web.

  4. Great post. In life there are always people like that, its a shame they have spoil things for others, especially in such a public way. Good on you for calling it out. X

  5. Unfortunately every community seems to include those who get pleasure from upsetting others. Occasionally people just put things down without thinking as well, something that might come across just fine in person can sound cruel when no voice tone and body language is included. I always try to read what I put before I publish to make sure it's not able to be taken wrong, and if I can't think of anything nice to say I stay quiet.
    On the crochet/knit thing, I personally believe all that matters is what you enjoy. Unfortunately crochet and I don't get on, I wish we did as I'd love to do Irish Crochet, instead I knit as I do that well.

  6. Great post, I haven't been very active online so i haven't experienced much of the negative but with a blog out there now, I expect I have to be ready for all kinds of comments.

  7. I have to admit, I have been one of those knitters who poo poo'ed crochet - I worked at a fancy yarn store, and only the owner even knew how to crochet. Whenever someone who crocheted came in the store, I would do my best to help them, but would eventually refer them to the owner, and what hours she was in. Then, I took Stacey Trock's amigurumi classes on Craftsy, and bam! Something about crochet suddenly clicked, and I got it. and, boy did I feel bad about all of the down my nosing I did at crocheters. My grandmother crocheted, and now, when I remember her hands, I think of them making little crocheted things for me that my mom and I feel more than bad, I feel pretty stupid. Anyway, great post!

    1. Thank you for admitting that....and for seeing the error in your ways ;) I hope you enjoy crocheting the amis...Stacey is a wonderful person and a great teacher...I've met her several times....thank you for stopping by

  8. There is, indeed, a very ugly side to blogging, knitting, crocheting, and pretty much everything in general. Those that say that xyz doesn't have a negative side is either slightly delusional or they're among the lucky few that haven't had to experience it.

    I, like you, screen all my comments before they post. The only ones I've deleted are spam comments. I don't know that I've gotten a truly nasty comment in quite awhile (I think the only one I got was from this cow I had the unfortunate displeasure of being acquainted with back in Wisconsin)...but I will allow them. My blog isn't always sunshine and roses so I don't expect the comments to be, either.

    Also, I've met some real *ahem* the knitting/fibery world. My favorites were the ones that picked up the demo Signature DPNs from the booth at Stitches Midwest and decided to walk away with them. There's a special kind of hell for people like that.

  9. This is so true. There are a few online communities that I avoid because people can be so nasty to each other. I try to subscribe to the ethos "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"!

  10. I think the knitters/crafters/etc are so nice mantra is the biggest myth of all. We are no nicer or different than any other group of people. All groups have their good their bad their ugly. I have experienced the ugly side of knitters on Rav and it was not pleasant. Unfortunately the very thing that allows us to connect is the very thing that has allowed human relations to devolve as it has. As has been said, the anonymity of it has contributed to the ugliness. As to crochet, I can crochet, but I do not care for it, absolutely hate it. However it is no skin off my nose if someone else likes it.
