
Friday, May 15, 2015

Knit and Crochet Blog Week - Day 5

Day Five (Friday 15th May): Something A Bit Different
It’s the annual challenge to blog in a way different to how you normally blog. You may choose to create a podcast, or vlog, create a wordless post, a beautiful infographic or write in verse. You can post on any topic you like, but be sure to post in a style different from your usual blog presentation. There’s not too much guidance for this one simply because the more varied the posts are on this day, the wider the sources of information for other bloggers will be.

So this one is always a challenge for me.....this year I am doing a video the next few years, the Hubs and I will be moving out to his parent's place...I call it the Homestead....and we have talked about possibly raising alpacas when we do....he raised goats back in high I am taking you on a tour of the Homestead...and where our possible future fiber adventures will begin......

The driveway leading to the house....

If you watched them all...thank you..there were a few more....and it wouldn't let me load the biggest one...I also didn't take video of the area that the alpacas will be in...the Hubs showed it to me's along the driveway.....there is a large open area that would be fenced in....right now it's the future...and we don't know how long into the's a pleasant dream...


  1. That sounds like fun and like an adventure - raising alpacas in that place. Wish you all the luck :)

  2. Alpacas and maybe goats too? How fun!

  3. Looks like a very quiet, peaceful place. And having all that land to roam is a wonderful things. I hope all your hopes and dreams come true. :) Tammy

  4. Lucky lucky you. It seems very idyllic. And the alpacas will love it.

  5. Very pretty area! Great videos. Thanks for sharing your dreamy future with us!
