
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Knit and Crochet Blog Week - Day 7

Day Seven (Sunday 17th May): Your Time, Your Place.
Where and how do you take time out to knit and/or crochet? Maybe you don’t take time out at all and instead have your needles twirling as you try to juggle a multitude of other tasks with no ‘spare’ time to think of. Maybe you enjoy nothing more than to crochet whilst  winding down from a yoga session, chatting with some friends in a nearby cafe.

Wow, the last day...this week really flew by!  And this year I did all seven days....yeah me!!!!

So where do I craft?  I have tried to bring projects with me, but since I drive most of the's just not feasible....and I can't bring projects to work...well I could...but if I don't want to bring work home with me, I'd rather spend my plan time, planning or correcting...and not working on a project....

Most weekdays, I don't tend to craft...but the weekends, I'm all over it...I usually spend one day on the weekend crafting the majority of the time...

and where do I craft?  On my bed....
with my tablet close by...on the other side of the bed is the bookcase with all of my current projects..and the Namaste bag that holds my needles and other things...I have a tv...and I'm all set...

I like to be able to spread out....but I do occasionally go to my local Knit Night...and many times I'll join a WIDN on instagram...and there is actually a Knit Night on Instagram on Thursdays....

So that is the where I do it and mostly the when too.....I've enjoyed this week...I have found some new's always a great week to make new friends....


  1. Glad to see there are other people who can't knit all the time (although I would love to!) - I loved this week too, meeting new people and blogs - great experience!

  2. it is great to spread out - I do that - all over the couch and coffee table - until my husband clears his throat and gestures to how much of the living room I hae taken up. teehee.

  3. There is a knit night on instagram? I definitely have to check that out! I love instagram and that sounds fun!
