
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stitch Along Week 19 and KCBW6Day3

Day Three (Wednesday 13th May): Experimental Photography And Image Handling For Bloggers.
Every Year Knitting & Crochet Blog Week tries to feature at least one day where photography takes a key role, because it has been proven many times that what captures reader’s attention for the first few seconds to hopefully hold them long enough to invest the time to read your words is your pictures, and so this topic crops up each year, but every year it yields such different results!

and it is....
I thought of doing two separate posts....but decided I could combine today's topic with my SAW project...

So I have been trying to take better pictures...however I ran over my better camera with my car (it was an accident), so I'm back to my quick point and shoot...(my "better" one is also mostly a point and shoot, but better quality..I can't be hassled with lens changes, etc..)

And I thought this was the experimental by the time I got home...there was not much time to take pictures...but we have been buying lots of flowers to plant this I decided to go outside and use those...
This was my first shot.....

A more artistic shot???  The sun was fading by I called it a day....

My Far Side of the Moon socks are almost done..I'm on the foot of the second time for wool socks to be put away....sigh......

So if you are here for 6KCBWDay3....feel free to hook up with Stitch Along too...and come back if you want next Wednesday....

As always, please try to link back or post a link on your blog...thanks!


  1. Hi there,

    I did not not post about what I am stitching right now, but I want to play with the Stitch Along Wednesday anyways. I will try and include something next week.

  2. Glad you are back! Love the Far Side of the Moon socks especially!

  3. Love those flowers, so pretty.

  4. Socks and Artistic look good! Will check out SAW...

  5. Those socks are so colorful they fit right in with the flowers :)

  6. I love pictures of knitting with plants or flowers. Nice work.

  7. Great colors in those pictures!
