
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Stash Saturday

Are you ready for another installment?  I've not been very good about not buying yarn lately..especially all the pretties from Addicted to Indie Dyed Yarn and Fiber on Facebook..someone posted rainbow sparkle yarn yesterday...RAINBOW SPARKLE YARN people!  I resisted...I will resist....I will......I will....
Here's the shop listing, if you want to buy some, and who wouldn't?...GroovyHues

I did choose not to join MadColor's latest's Dr. Who...and I still have a ton of it from the last couple go arounds....but I'll be back in October.....and I also didn't join the latest Buffy all I have coming in on a regular basis (I still have one month left for Madcolor) is Random Fandom from Nerd Girl..which I won't give up, as it's hard to get into it....

So what have I gotten lately? 
MadColor Baker Street - Honey, You Should See Me in a Crown...ALL my favorite colors (except greens in this!)

Okay so Loopy Ewe said they had some Wollmeise...I snagged a skein of Magnolie....I loved the different shades in it...
It's going to be a shawl....yummy...Wollmeise is always so tight, I never want to wind it..because it just looks so perfect...

And finally..some rainbows!!!!
And this is wound, and I started a pair of socks...because I felt the need for rainbows yesterday...this is Nothing Says Screw You Like a Rainbow from White Birch Fiber's the listinggo take a look...I'll wait...what's amazing? you knit a rainbow and then you knit the sky..with clouds!  How awesome is that!  I have two rainbows done.....but no pictures yet....

I'm also waiting on some Martian yarn from Canada...gonna make some Martian socks to go see the movie in October....

So it's not been too bad...I leave for Norway in three weeks...and there will be yarn shopping and buying there, so I think I'm gonna go on a yarn diet until then....hahahahahaha..I CAN DO IT!!!  I know I can!!!!!!


  1. I pulled out some of my Felici self-striping rainbow yarn yesterday with the intention of starting a new pair of socks....but I never got that far. The intention was there, though :)

  2. Rainbows and clouds, how cool is that yarn? I was able to resist the temptation: it is sold out.

    I did sign up for Mad Color's Doctor Who club. So much for resistance.
