
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

So after forgetting two weeks ago, last night I got home from work, ate, vegged a bit...and then 6:00 rolls around and I sit up and go, "Oh Sh**! It's Wednesday!"  I thought, it's too late again...and then I realized it was only Tuesday...whew!!!!

I slept miserably...because after that, I fell asleep for a hour and a half....and then couldn't sleep...grrr!!!

Luckily today I'm at a workshop, so I don't have to be too awake.....

Book:  The Martian by Andy Weir.  I'd read a review and they are also making a movie with Matt's really good!  Although I do tend to skip over much of the science gobbledy-gook...

What Am I Working On?

Second sock for Rolling in the Deep....
First Kai-Mei sock
Thought about working on Owligan, cuz it was chilly the best couple of days, but didn't get to it....

And I did start and finish a hat...I'll save that for Friday....

Man, I'm tired...okay I am off to shower...and start my to you all later...

Post back, leave a comment if you'd like....and have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. I read "The Martian" earlier this year and absolutely LOVED it :)

  2. I have been wanting to read "The Martian" It sounds amazing. And your projects look amazing.

  3. I forgot how much I like those Kai-Mei socks, I started a pair once but never finished them.

  4. I laughed when I read about you skipping over the science stuff in your book. I'm reading Neal Stephenson's Seveneves and am doing the exact same thing. It's a good book but I'm not into some of the science details.

    Your socks are looking good.

  5. Truly - where do you get the time?! I am struggling to find time to do anything at the minute and I am unemployed!! Those kai-mei socks look lovely.

  6. Your socks are great! Nice work.
