
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Oh my gosh...why am I up so early?  I have a wicked headache and my ankle wish I would have called in sick allergies are acting up....9 days of school left...yeah!!!!!!  I'm almost done with all the paperwork, grade have to be in by Friday......then it's just the packing of the room, which I have been doing slowly....have to organize cabinets, so I can pack as much as possible into them...

I have worked on several things this week...but don't have pictures....

My Adele/Rolling in the Deep socks...I'm on the foot of the second sock.....

My Owligan, I added a couple of inches to the back and front.....

hmmmm...thought there was something else I worked on, but guess not.....

So since no pictures of projects, how about one of a zebra?
I petted this guy on Sunday...we visited an animal park.  We had gone when it was first opened, a couple years ago, was not impressed...decided to see if they had improved...still not impressed.  The museum was cool, but the displays were dusty and had cobwebs.....some of the animals water needed to be changed, had algae in it....and there weren't a ton of animals....really they should call it Goats and Geese, because that's what they mainly had.....oh and lots of different kind of deer....they also had this fella....
Who was beyond HUGE!  He was MASSIVE!!!!!

So how was your week?  What did you get done?  Have you ever been disappointed in an attraction that you visited?  Hmmm...I could go back to bed for 15 minutes....please link back....thanks!


  1. So sorry about your headache! I get migraines occasionally and they're the worst! I hope you feel better soon. Disappointed? Yes. A couple of years ago I visited a craft/antique market that had been touted as the biggest and best. NOT! Few vendors and every booth had the same, very expensive, stuff. Definite downer,

  2. Those places alwaya seem better in idea than they are in actuality :(

  3. I bet your projects look great. No disappointing attractions to report here. I am going to the Zoo this weekend though. The Cleveland Zoo is always amazing. They have plenty of awesome animals even if they don't have penguins or a giant panda. Feel better.

  4. Hope you're feeling better.

    Goats and geese, I'd like them. I wouldn't be too happy if I was expecting a wild animal park, though.

  5. I love animal parks - we have one here and I loved visiting! That Buffalo is mega! Sorry your allergies have been bad :(

  6. After having visited the National Aquarium, everything else just pales in comparison. It doesn't mean I've not enjoyed other aquariums, but the National Aquarium is top-notch.

    With that said, I also really liked the Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison, WI.......mostly because it's totally free to go (parking is free, there's no entrance fee...). But it's a good zoo, for the most part.

  7. You're almost to the end of school, feel better!
