
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morning!  My first official Wednesday of summer vacation!!!!! 

Yesterday I had two doctor's appointments...and it's official, I have arthritis in my knees...I've always suspected, but has never been actually along with that...and "loose ligaments"  and femeral-patella knees are pretty worthless....but they are not bad enough to get surgery yet...but it is probably in my future...

And I damaged a nerve on the top of my right foot...and I will probably need bunion surgery down the line...I've had one over 20 years ago...and it has regrown....and the other is just as bad...yuck!

Good thing I have activities that I can do while lying around..huh?

But I did lose weight!  Yeah!  So this summer, I'm gonna try and get back to the gym...I did walk yesterday body is still waking me up I'll do it in the morning...but I have some no hills...I live on a hill...;/

How about projects?  Cuz that's what you are here for?  Well...I have worked on my Owligan...It's up to 19 inches's a pretty boring'll get more exciting once I start on the owls....the Hubs doesn't like the color of the yarn....calls it "old lady brown,"  but I think it'll go with everything..I plan on wearing it more as a jacket....
I have old red buttons for the closures...

I also started another pair of vanilla socks...
So I have something that I don't have to follow a pattern....I'm on the heel....

I have also put a few more rows in on my Willow really doesn't look much different than this older picture...

So what about you this week? What are you working on?  I think I may go back to bed...because I glorious is that!!!!!!

Please join us and link back...thanks!


  1. Sorry to hear about the knees - I have arthritis in my hips (one side worse than other). That news surprised me as I'd gone in for issues with my knees. I was told that sometimes issues in the knees/hips will refer the pain to the other. My husband and I love to hike, and well, we ARE in Alaska, and it often includes hills. I have a hard time going up and down (stairs too), so have to lead with the better hip when they start to hurt. LOVE the yarn you are using on the vanilla socks!

  2. Bummer about your knees. I hope there are ways to make them better. I'm with the poster above me, the vanilla socks yarn is great!

    Your enabling worked just fine, by the way. The Gilmore Girls yarn is on its way to me. Thanks!

  3. Oh dear, take care of yourself! I had knee surgery for a torn ACL and I know it was really important for me to strengthen my quads and hamstrings before (and after) surgery... not sure how it works with arthritis but it's good if you get a little more exercise in to prepare yourself for down the road. Congrats on the weight loss and good luck with the rest of your foot/leg issues!

  4. What a bummer about your knees! Take care of yourself, but definitely stay active as well. I love the sparkle yarn for the socks!
