
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Stash Saturday

Hey there!  I need to make a picture icon for Stash Saturday....and maybe I'll do a link along....I know Paula at Yarn Yarns would link often..hahahahahahaha.....

So I received my Nerd Girl Random Fandom....inspired by the PowderPuff Girls...Mojo Jojo
It's purple, not oh man..I love this...I've never seen a PowderPuff episode...but these are my colors...and there are sparkles!!!!!

Then, someone posted they had received a shipment of the hard to get Carlos and Arne I bought two of Winter...
I also may have told Paula and she got three skeins....hehehehehehe...

Other than that, just hanging around on this Fourth of July..waiting to go to the fireworks...

I did paint the nails...
My "hermitting" tendencies are kicking in and all I want to do is stay home...I'm forcing myself to go out....


  1. I actually need to force myself to go out now, too. I much prefer staying at home, especially when it is 125 degrees outside. Great yarns! Hope you had a fabulous fourth.

  2. Great yarns! And your fingernails....very patriotic! Great job. Hope you had a great 4th.

  3. I love the Powerpuff Girls! Mojo Jojo is my favorite villain and his name is fun to say. That's great yarn for him.

    I laughed when I took a look at my Friends tab on Ravelry last night. I saw that you'd cast on those A&C socks. I haven't given in to the temptation yet.

  4. Wow that mojo jojo yarn is BRIGHT! But in the best way possible of course :D
