
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Hello there!  I am back, but not still 100% human.   The jet lag has kicked my a$$ this time we did so much that by Saturday I was exhausted!  So still trying to catch up on my sleep and energy.....

So this is the yarn I came back with from Norway.  The blue in the upper right was 4 skeins..I used three...that'll be shown on Friday.  I will do a more in depth post on Stash Saturday, as I have squishy mail I came home to, also.....

But I have been working on socks...
I'm almost done with the first rainbow sock...just finishing the may be done by the time I post this....

And my Norway socks..which I did work on there, until I got yarn and started something new....

Since I've been home, I've also put some time in on the Freedom Rollers..
What have you been up to?  So sorry last week's didn't work out.....

I also have been reading a series by Nora Roberts that my Mother-in-law gave to me...I'm on the third's good summer reading....

As always, please provide a link back when you post...thanks!


  1. Quite a nice stash you brought home from Norway.
    Those are some great looking socks, I love sock

  2. Love the Norway stash you brought home. You have so many pretty socks on the needles. I love all the bright colors.

  3. I hope you saw more of Norway than the yarn stores! LOL. Great projects, great stash. Glad you're back.

  4. oh my gosh! your socks are beautiful!! and that stash... nice!

  5. All of your socks are so cheerful!

  6. LOVING the Norway socks! Am partial to the rainbows, as I made a pair of fingerless mitts from that same colorway.

  7. Such a lovely selection of yarn you brought home. I'm joining in for the first time with some crochet that I'm working on during the hot and humid afternoons of summer.

  8. Wow amazing rainbow socks! :)

  9. I had grand plans to do a WIP Wednesday post and the week got away from me. Again. But, I've finished up a pair of socks and started a new pair....which I think I'm going to make squishy house socks because it's technically a DK weight yarn on US #1.5 needles and I only have the one 350 yd. skein.......and I don't want to run out :) So, there's that. I also spun a teensy bit a little while ago.

  10. I love those rainbow sock so much that I got some of that yarn.

    The heat's been knocking me on my a$$ so I missed another WIP Wed post. I finished two projects and frogged one so there wasn't that much to show.

    Looking forward to Norway stories and more about the yarn you brought back.

  11. Oh, I love your freedom rollers. I didn't know these socks have such a nice name. I wanted to buy sock yarn today to make a pair for cooler but not cold days, but Michaels was a bit far away from the bus station. Maybe tomorrow. :-)
