
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Stash Saturday

Lots of stash to update.....

First of all, I went to three yarn outlet stores in Norway.  Knitting is a way of life there...students learn it in school....and there was yarn available everywhere..even in the grocery stores...

And in a museum gift shop
In a regular store, like our Walmart or Target
In a "tourist" shop
I'll talk about the yarn outlets when I write posts about those days...I didn't take a ton of pictures of them...

So what did I bring home?
4 balls of Drops Air....I have used almost 3 on my shoulder warm and such a lovely color...
Some Viking Nordlys, which I bought at the grocery store...

Some Troll yarn...because Troll yarn!

Incredibly soft!  68% baby alpaca!  and the colors are so subtle, but so gorgeous!
Big, fat, fun yarn!

Again..Camel yarn..78%, because camel yarn....
Alpaca Mohair and Alpaca Silk in a stunning grey-green...OMG!  This will be saved for something special...

How can you not get something called Kitten Mohair?  I don't think any kittens were harmed in the making of it.....
I went back to the "tourist" shop to grab these...they will be my first colorwork..going to make Selbu mittens with them...
Grabbed these in the all-around store....great colors...

Tone gifted these to me before I left......gonna do something with felt....

Then when I got home....
Sparkly rainbows!  Love is Love from Groovy Hues Fibers....
Sock kit from Otterly Adorable Knits and Knitmona....

Yesterday I received
Dia de los Muertos from Desert Vista Dyeworks

We rode tripped around the state yesterday and I stopped at a favorite LYS and picked up this..
with the cowlette pattern.....

and today I received my Random Fandom from Nerd Girl....
God of Thunder (inspired by Thor)

And I think I am set for awhile....although I did order something else the other day...I have no will power....


  1. I would be in so much (more) trouble in a country that had yarn available in a supermarket. You brought back some great yarn! You do know that yarn acquired on vacation does not count as stash. It counts as souvenirs.

    My favorite is the Day of the Dead yarn. I may have to go look that one up.

  2. oh my goodness.....looks like you'll be set for a while. Can't wait to see the finished items from all this beauty !
