
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Crapity, crap, crap!!!!  Sorry I'm such a bad host lately!  I remembered at my staff meeting...and I had plenty of time last night...just sorry.....

I have worked on tired to talk about it and have no talk amongst yourselves...

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morning/evening, as I am posting this on Tuesday evening here, but it may be Wednesday in your neck of the woods...

First...I am very, very sorry about last was a combination of factors that made me, we were in the middle of an intense heat wave...we had early dismissal from school for two days because of the heat...and the computer I use to blog on is in a room with not a ton of ventilation...and as soon as I sit in the seat, I am drenched in sweat (TMI?) just the thought of going on that computer was pushed to the back of my mind...(I do have a tablet, but it's a PITA to blog on, and all the links are on the desktop)

Second, it was the second week of school and that's where my thoughts were.....when my brain was able to focus and was not melting from the heat.....I remembered about 7:00 it was too late...

And because of the heat wave, I have not wanted to touch yarn...sure I'd glance over at my projects, but couldn't bring myself to work on anything...this week the temperature has changed....and projects have been worked on....

Hunger Games Shawl - I wanted to work on something autumnal...and Hubs said to work on this because it's pretty....

Sockhead KAL....

I worked on a few socks too....but no new pictures....

On Monday, this happened...
A student chair fell on my foot...I've been out of school for two have done some knitting...excuse the ugly feet....the swelling has gone down, but it is bruised and sore to walk on...

And I thought I'd share our first day of school picture....
This is who I spend my days awesome second grade team....

Books:  I haven't read anything since coming back from Norway...I've started a few things, but just not been interested...

Have a great week! As always, please link back...thanks....and if you want to leave a comment to let me know what I've missed...I visited a few blogs, but not all....see you next week!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morn....err...evening.....and since it never works when I schedule this...I'll post it tonight...

Looks like Wednesday is the only day I post started...things will settle down...and it is hella hot and humid here and computer is in a room with no a/c.....I spend as little time as possible in this room right now....but yarn is also in this room....I am drenched in sweat at the moment, as I'm looking for some self-striping to do a sock KAL.....I have two, but I want something autumnal...but just may take what I can find...and beat feet out of this room....

so gonna start that tonight....haven't really worked on anything else....aforementioned heat and school....

So how's your week been?  Can't wait to see what you're working on.....

As always, please link back...thanks!