
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morn....err...evening.....and since it never works when I schedule this...I'll post it tonight...

Looks like Wednesday is the only day I post started...things will settle down...and it is hella hot and humid here and computer is in a room with no a/c.....I spend as little time as possible in this room right now....but yarn is also in this room....I am drenched in sweat at the moment, as I'm looking for some self-striping to do a sock KAL.....I have two, but I want something autumnal...but just may take what I can find...and beat feet out of this room....

so gonna start that tonight....haven't really worked on anything else....aforementioned heat and school....

So how's your week been?  Can't wait to see what you're working on.....

As always, please link back...thanks!


  1. I'm retired from education, and love the fact that I don't have to go back to school in the Fall. Your day will come. :) So now I have more time to garden, read, knit, crochet etc. and I very often wonder how I fitted it all in when I taught.

  2. I've been similarly busy and avoiding the computer... hope the school year starts out well for you!

  3. I think everyone is super busy atm. Our blogs are so neglected!

    I did manage to knit a willy warmer today though, so that's a start :p

  4. I am working on my weekly goals. Actually I am doing some swatches. :)
    Glad having found this link party and I hope I did everything right.

  5. I am back at school now too and...have started to apply to transfer my teaching qualifications :) feels very good to have made this step! But I am running out of times for knitting at the moment :(
