
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Morning!  It is back to work week for me...the students don't come until next we are all...

we have two days of workshops...the presenter isn't too bad...but really think it could have been done in one day....and we still have not had enough time to set up our classrooms...ugh!

So, I have worked on projects this week...but alas, do not have pictures....

I've mostly focused on the Sockhead hat...and the test knit, which got put in timeout, as I have an extra two stitches....

How about you this week?  What have you worked on?  Do you have a job where you have to attend never ending PD? (professional development)

as always, please link back..thanks!


  1. I quit my job in June :) and working in administration we didn't have to go to PD, but teacher always complained. If it was beneficial, they were all for it. But when it was the same thing over and over or they weren't getting anything from it, they felt their time could be better spent in the classroom getting ready. My second born starts his senior year of high school next week. Good luck with the new school year.

  2. I can't believe it's that time of year already. I just send my oldest on the bus for the first time to 1st grade. I don't know who's more nervous, her or me! I'm homeschooling my younger for his pre-K year. So, I still get some knitting time in:)

  3. I had to take some stuff like PD when I was working. While I was in the last one, the word came down that they were offering early retirement for those who qualified. I did qualify and told the instructor. I spent the rest of the course not paying any attention to it because I didn't have to. :)

    Have fun getting ready for the new year.

  4. I love pd days, but I, like you, didn't like it when they took away from valuable time in the class, especially when they weren't particularly useful in the first place!
