
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morning lovies!  I am actually home today sick....annual fall crud that I usually turns into a sinus infection, but hasn't I am working on my Owligan, with the slight hope of having it finished for Rhinebeck this weekend....

Working on second sleeve now, then the yoke, then the button band...but it it comes down to it, I may skip the button band....we'll see...mind you I have never knitted a sweater before....

My other projects will be waiting in the wings this about you?  what are you up too?


  1. Don't skip the button band. Trust me.

  2. Yeah, what Renee Anne said. Even if you don't think you want buttons, you definitely want the button band. It's not so bad.

  3. Hope you feel better soon and good luck finishing the owligan in time!

  4. Agree, don't skip the button band.

    Sorry you've got the crud. I came down with a flu-like thing last week and my husband was like, "you don't work, how could you catch something?" :-\ Well? I don't live in a vacuum, and I do still work with children leading equine-assisted therapy at the barn, and how do you think the groceries make it into our house????

    I completed some rather wild socks today - will post later this week on my blog. Am almost done with my holey-shawl, a trip to the LYS is in order as I don't have enough yarn to do the crochet boarder.
