Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Hello, hello, hello....back for another edition....hey I think I've been doing pretty well....

So went to the doctor yesterday and yep, have my annual fall sinus infection...I just thought it was a cold....didn't really think it was in my sinuses....my doc looks at me and says....a cold doesn't last three weeks...this Friday would mark the 4th Friday since it started....so on the ole' antibiotics...

Anyone else watch The Walking Dead?  I am obsessed with it at the moment...last season was fabulous and this season seems like it will be better!!!!! 

Okay so what have I got going?  I'm still working on my Supernatural shawl...seems to be the one I pick up most often....I started a pair of cabled mitts in a zombie inspired colorway....the problem is I came home and took a nap and now it is too dark to take pictures...hopefully I can get my act together...

Was honored by some of my favoritest students on Friday...my favorite group of students (yes they are, I had them for two years, second and third and have kept in tough) are seniors this year....I went to the game on Friday to support them...a bunch are in the band and are majorettes and Cane-ettes, which is a thing....and I got this...
Here are some of them from last year.....love this group of kids so much and they all have pretty much stayed in touch and stayed friends...I just think it is remarkable....

Oh look I found a picture of the cabled mitts....I'm a bit further along....

So how is your week going?  What's your obsession right now? Please try to link back, thanks!


Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better soon! I am obsessed with just casting on everything!!!! So yeah, I'm never going to catch up.

Alicia said...

My tv obsessions are currently The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. So silly, so dramatic, so many cute guys. Guilty pleasure, for sure!

Rhonda McDonald said...

Hope you are feelings nag better soon. Love the color way of your mitts.