
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Finished Friday

I have not done a Finished Friday since August!!!  August!!!

Wow!  So I have a few things to show you....Number one is my Owligan!  I don't have a great picture of it, as I have not done a photo shoot with it....
This is how it looked when I wore it to Rhinebeck.  Those are vintage buttons....but they were too small, so I bought some pottery buttons that day and changed them out...and I don't have a picture of that...and it's too dark here to take one I'll post one later....

I had two weddings...I made a bride and groom for the Hubs cousin...
And a garter for a dear friend's daughter
I made a leaf from one of Fresh Stitches kits...

And a baby vest...I followed the Pebble Vest pattern, but used fingering weight yarn...I should have held it double...but it's all good...

I finished another Sockhead....and again, it is too big...I don't have a finished shot, but maybe next time...

I think that is it for now!  I hope to have my Flaming Arrows done for next week and maybe The Boyz as well...I am also working on a quick bulky seed stitch cowl....

How about you????


  1. Well done, especially the owligan. I finished a few hats this week. :-) Have a nice weekend. Regula

  2. Cute stuff! Congratulations on finishing your first sweater.

    I've been on a finishing binge. I got two afghan/blanket things done this week.

  3. You've been busy! That wee leaf is especially cute.
