
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morning!  I am up bright and early to post this.....

I have been working exclusively on my two shawls....and I finished Flaming Arrows last night...however, it's minus the arrows...I used Stephen West's Arroway...but when I got down to the edge where the arrows are, I chose not to do them...the yarns did not have enough contrast, so the arrows would have just blended's all good...I love the look of the's stripey...and made with Girl on Fire from Nerd Girl Yarn.....and today I am going to the double feature!!!!
So excited!!!!!!

Now to finish up the Boyz shawl! 

No pictures, as I finished it late last night....

So what have you been working on????

As always, please link back...thanks!

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