
Monday, December 28, 2015

My Car

On November 13, I was standing in my bedroom, when it sounded as if a train went by my window...I went out to the living room and the Hubs was on the front porch...we couldn't see anything, so we went to the back..and this is what we saw...
We weren't sure how bad it was, and we had to wait for morning....

The neighbor's tree had sheared in car is in the right side of the garage...there was no car on the left side.
We weren't sure they would be able to get it out....this happened on Friday night...on Sunday...
and my car was out...there is damage to three sides...somehow the roof escaped any damage and no damage to the backend.....

 I scheduled the bodywork for my vacation, so I don't have to rent a car....we did not have car rental insurance....they estimate it will take about 10 days to be I am carless for awhile...


  1. Oh my gosh, what a nightmare! Are you going to have to pay for it?

  2. I do have a deductible, but the majority of it was paid by insurance....not the homeowners, we rent...because it is an act of God...

  3. Oh wow, how distressing! Fingers crossed it gets fixed soon.

  4. oh no! What a freaky thing to happen. Hopefully, all is taken care of by the insurance....and better yet....the tree didn't fall on the house! So no one was injured. Wishing you well and back on the road in no time.

  5. OMG! Yay for insurance and for no people being hurt.

  6. Oh no! At least cars are easier to fix than people.
