
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Stash Saturation Saturday

So I posted a Christmas Themed Yarn Stash post......and well. to fully come clean, here are the rest of the purchases....

I joined Mad Color's Hobbit club....
First month - The Lonely Mountain
Second month - Eye of Smaug

I am waiting on the third month's shipment, which also includes a Jesslu bag...the club had actually closed, but when I had mentioned I missed the deadline, Heather opened it up for not sure what type of bag I will receive....Not doing the next club, as it is Monty Python...and well...not a big fan....full disclosure, have never seen a Monty Python movie (bits and pieces)...just not my cup of tea...when Heather and I were discussing it, I mentioned I'd rather watch a movie about serial killers than slapstick comedy...although I grew up on Benny Hill...the slapstickest of comedies... and these guys make me roar with laughter.....I watch very few half hour tastes run towards more dramatic stuff....don't get me wrong, I can enjoy a good comedy...just tends not to be my first pick...

So, this one has a story....I went to my uncle's funeral...and decided to stop by at a local textile museum on the way home (it was about an hour away).  The textile mill was a mill that many of my ancestors worked in...I was a bit underwhelmed...the tour is self-guided and you don't get to go into the actual mill...which is an absolutely beautiful building and has been sub-divided and turned into other places of business....and there is a second building where you can see some of the machines, but they are in much potential.....anyway, they were also having a craft fair, so I wandered in and wandered out with this yarn and I'd say it was a successful venture...It is Ellyn Cooper's Yarn Sonnets....

Another bit of wandering resulted in this purchase....after deciding not to take the highway, but a backroad, we stumbled upon a local yarn shop, Sheep and Shawl in South Deerfield, Mass...this is Bartlettyarns and may result in a's a bit crunchy....

Well, that same day of wandering, we ended up in Northhampton, Mass...and that always means a trip to WEBS....

Zen Yarn Garden - I am in love with this color! It's Serenity 20 in Nightfall, as exclusive color to WEBS
MadelineTosh Pashmina in Chicory
MadelineTosh Home in Maple Leaf

I believe I have now caught up on my purchases for 2015...but there is four more days....and there will be sales....and the Hubs did not buy me any yarny products...(he can and does fabulously when he does...he has nice taste, just didn't)....and I have a yearning for more Walking Dead inspired yarn...just realized didn't share that purchase...
This is Desert Visa Dyeworks in "If They Kill Carol."  I think I also need the Glen one and the Abraham, and maybe Maggie...because it's not looking good for them...and well Abraham, there is this...
Yep, I met Abraham or Michael Cudlitz this summer at Walker Stalker....
PS:  And....while I was waiting for my idrive library to update, yep, I bought me some Abraham and Glenn...Maggie has too much peach...not a fan of the color....

Now to go back on work on this, started yesterday....
Quaere Fibre self stripe in A Modern Christmas....hope you all have a wonderful weekend....we have a 2 week break this year....woohoo!!!


  1. I am pretty sure you could set up your own yarn store right now!

  2. I've never thought of Monty Python as slapstick or having anything remotely in common with Benny Hill. I guess it was because I've always been more interested in the tv series than the MP movies. At least you won't be tempted by that Mad Color club as I was!

  3. I'm having major stash envy right now... I haven't gotten any new yarn in a long time! But, that's kind of ok because I'm such a slow knitter!

  4. Enjoy your break. How is the car?

  5. I'm almost thinking that I should start owing up to my yarny purchases I make in 2016.......I don't anticipate that many but I could be wrong.

    I may run with this idea.....
