
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday - Last one of 2015!

Welcome to the last Stitch Along of 2015!!!  Wow!  The first one this year was Jan 7, 2015 and eleven of you linked....most of you have been linking off and on since then...and I went through the couple of months where I was not very reliable....I promise in 2016 to be much more on top of it...

I also have lost a couple of readers....oh well...but now I am stuck at 99...and every time I open my page, I see it and 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall goes through my head....not a great earworm!!!!

Well I could have this one instead - this is the German version...I listened to both....I am a child of the 80's and proud of it!

On with the stitching...I am still on my WIPs bent and have completed a hat, a pair of mitts, and a scarf this week...

I am now going to work exclusively on I worked on these...
My Dork socks...I'm on the decrease of the gussets....I will actually be a passenger in a car on Wednesday, so will take them with me....I think I'll have another sock finish for this year...

I have also worked on these...
These will be the next WIP push....

Then my Zombie Vixens
Then maybe finish up one of my shawls, before I allow myself to start another...we'll see.....

So how about you this past week?  How did the holidays treat you?  Have a wonderful new year!

I'm still on break until Jan yeah!!!


  1. I love the yarn you are using for your socks! So cheery!

  2. Lovely projects as always. Happy New Year to you, too!

  3. Happy Sock Knitting in the New Year too! Regula
