
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Hello my peeps!  Feeling much better than last day left....and well, I just woke up from a nap....

So onto the crafting...I did make one thing...I may make one more..we'll see....I am now carless, so I hope I got is at body shop for the next two weeks....

I have been doing a little of this and a little of that....I have bought tons of holiday themed yarn, yet started nothing with them...really was trying to work on WIPs.....but I'm feeling the need to start something new...

Since this is the last post before the holidays, I wish you all have a Merry Christmas....and I'd love to hear about a tradition that you may celebrate....


  1. I hope you get over your sinus infection! And that the holidays bring you everything that you need!

  2. Merry Christmas to you too! Well, I'm a bit sick myself and try not to over-do it: warpping gifts and grocery shopping today. And just maybe making a second pair of slippers .... all the best, Regula

  3. May your holidays be warm and bright. Happy knitting!

  4. Happy Christmas! Remember, yarn will get you through times without a car better than a car will get you through a time of no yarn. Or something like that. :)
