
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Are we in the Christmas/holiday spirit yet?  Have you decorated your house?  This is the extant of my decorating so far...

Doesn't it look festive?

So, not much going on in crafting, still working on that Veteran's hat...I spent the majority of the past couple of days reading.....gasp!  Yep..I'd had a very long reading dry spell...but started the last book of the Lunar Chronicles...Winter.....

and finished it yesterday when I got home from was was satisfying....but parts of it reminded me of Mockinjay....

So that's it for about you?

As always, please leave a link back...


  1. yay for reading! I do the same thing--I go in spurts where I read like crazy, and right now I'm in between books. Trying to do a better job of limiting the dry spells! We are decorated to the max, which I love to do, but was slow to get everything out this year. Luckily I hosted a holiday party which was the kick in the butt I needed to finish decorating!

  2. The extent of my decorating is to put my wreath with Badtz Maru wearing a Santa outfit on my front door.

  3. That looks like a book I might like!

  4. I've been listening to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone while I knit at night because iTunes hasn't been agreeing with me that we have a collective and I can have access to it on my, History Chicks podcasts and HP:SS audiobooks are it.

    I do need to read an actual book again, however.

    But I've been knitting. I'm trying to finish up some WIPs I've got hanging about and we'll see how it goes...

  5. I have that series on my to read list. I've been reading quite a bit lately (I get to a lot at work) My husband does all the xmas decorating, we do have a tree up and some lights around a window in the living room. I do quite like your decorating though ... my kind of decorating indeed :o)
