
Saturday, January 9, 2016

Stash Acquisition Saturday

And I have acquired some more...after this, it should calm down a bit, unless someone posts something...I MUST HAVE!!!!  Like oh my gosh....have you seen some of the new Madelinetosh colorways?  And, oh one of the indies dyers in my group just released a fun tea collection...
I'm loving the Blueberry Lavendar Silver Leaf, Constant Comment and Honey Lemon Ginger.

So what have I acquired lately? Really just this past week.....
The top is Knitmona "Inner Nerd"...this was a HAVE TO HAVE spur moment purchase!
Under that is my Nerd Girl Random Fandom "Twice Before Friday" inspired by The Librarians...I always like when it's the Donegal type tweedy yarn...just like the look of this yarn..It's called Dingo DK...
Next to that is Brew City Yarns "Reindeer Kisses"  I had been wanting this one and then she offered a discount and BAM!  it was mine!
Well next up is my latest purchase....Quaere Fibre "Time Traveler"  You alternate the two skeins to reproduce the "famous" Dr. Who scarf....SOLD!  Especially after seeing it knit up on her instagram account!

And lastly, for this week, is my final month from MadColor's Hobbit!
with a Jessalu bag.....LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last picture is of some yarn I was gifted through instagram's yarn wishes thread....
I asked for a local yarn...It's from Michigan, from Gimme A Tiara....very pretty purple!

Any new stash acquisition for you? I do have a few more in I may have another post next week...we'll see....


  1. I'm pretty sure you saw mine posted the other day. I also have a couple auctions on eBay that I'm bidding on. I expect I'll be outbid on a couple but that's okay. I don't necessarily "need" any new yarn...

  2. Hahaha! This was me last year. I'm doing my best to shop from stash this year. Enjoy your gorgeous new yarn!

  3. ooo excellent taste in yarn. I love the Reindeer one best I think but they're all great
