
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 1

Happy Wednesday!!!!!  The first Stitch Along post of 2016.....and I'm still on vacation...we go back to school tomorrow....

So I changed the picture, as the former picture was of a finished project....and well here are two WIPs that I'm actually working on right now....and my beautiful alpaca yarn bowl....

So, right now I am working on a second turtleneck capelet...however, it's not going to be a turtleneck...the previous one I made rolls up too much...I'm going to tack it down...I just found the left over yarn....

For the one I'm working on now, I don't think I have enough yarn for the complete I'll just  narrow it at the shoulders, once I get the length or run out of yarn...the red and blue are The Fibre Company Khroma that I got on sale...only 2 skeins each...the white, I believe, is Kraemer Yarns Victor.  It was in a bag without a ball band...but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.....

I wasn't too sure about the red and blue, but I really like the addition of the white....I'm hoping I have enough that it will be the main color.......

The other project in the picture is my Outlander Shawl....It was a KAL and I really want to finish it, as the yarn is so yummy soft! It's Lorna's Laces Shepherd soft in colorways dyed for the KAL....I'm a big fan of Lorna's Laces...

I've also worked a bit on my Willow is a 7 row repeat, repeated 51 times...I'm on the 33rd just seems to take a long time...and while it's easy, I do have to pay attention to the pattern, so not a travel project...

So what have you worked on?  Anything new since the holidays?  Did you have a good holiday?  We were very quiet here....I had a couple of days of really bad headaches...and spent a lot of down time, but I crafted quite a bit.....

as always please link back...thanks!


  1. The colour of your Outlander Shawl is gorgeous. I have some Je Suis Pret that I want to knit into a shawl, I must got dig it out. Have a great day :)

  2. Love that green shawl, gorgeous colour

  3. I've just added the Outlander shawl to my list of "to be knits" - it's lovely!!
