
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 6

Happy Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning!  How have you been this week?  I'm still feeling poorly, but have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and a 4 day weekend!  We no longer get a February break, just a 4 day weekend....On Monday we had an early dismissal and today a late opening because of snow....we are suppose to get more snow tonight into tomorrow...they are not sure how much.....February is always snow-crazy!

So WEBS was PACKED on Sunday!  We didn't end up staying....we shopped and then left....I did get my yarn for my Stopover and started it!

So the Raspberry is the main body color....I'm a big girl, so I was limited on what colors they had enough of for my size....but I went with a color that is not in my wardrobe much, but I will wear...I am NOT afraid of wearing color...
That's me in the yellow...
in bright green, with Clara Parkes

Although I do have an amazing amount of grey in my wardrobe too.....the only colors I don't wear are pastels and peachy tones, cuz they look terrible on me....

So I started it...
So far two new techniques for me...two colors in one row...and a bit of shaping....

I also bought yarn for the Baa-ble hat, although I have some old Jamieson packed away, I may use that if I have the right colors...
These are Cascade Heathers....I adore heathered yarn!

Oh and I got my partners for Fibreshare! Yeah!

Okay what are you up too?  I'm gonna go watch another episode of Walking Dead and work on my Glenn Lives sock and then head to bed....

As always, please link back...thanks! Oh I enabled comment moderation, as I got a few weird comments last week...


  1. I'm starting a new test knit for Holly Priestly (SillyLittleLady), which I have a zillion other things I could work on but I like test knitting once in awhile.....

    Um, other than that, the Swirl Hat and my swatch have been washed and are blocking (well, laying flat to dry) and I'm working on random things here and there. Woo. I'm exciting :)

  2. Sounds like you're having fun in true fiber fan style. Looking forward to seeing more as Stopover evolves.

  3. I got a roving pack so I could spin the yarn for baable, must go dig that out. So much to do, so little time!

  4. I love it! I too wear crazy colors unabashedly, and have a hot pink business jacket I wear in my classroom. Rock it sister! :-D

  5. I love that raspberry main color and a Baa-ble hat will be fun!

  6. Hope you're feeling better. Also hope you enjoy the Baa-ble Hat. I love mine.

    I like the colors for your sweater.
