
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 7

We have had an exciting weekend of weather!  It ended with an unexpected Snow Day today....although it is now in the 50's, this morning we had about 3 inches of snow and about a half inch of ice on top of didn't warm up fast enough to melt Snow Day....

So what have you been doing?  As I posted on my YOP post, I did start a few projects...I've mainly spent time on my Stopover sweater and the new shawl I cast on Sunday night...

My Stopover, almost ready for sleeves...

And my Edgy Carol....

I actually think they complete each other quite well!
So what have you been up to this week?

After I finished this post, I checked the mail and I'd gotten the sock yarn I ordered from StrayCatSocks in New Zealand.....and I had to cast on! I ordered the kit, which came with dpns and a vanilla pattern.  Just doing my regular vanilla pattern, as hers was on 64 stitches and I need to do 56 here it is...

The color is a little off...the dark color is a dark purple...looks more blue in this picture...

As always, please link back...thanks!


  1. I wish I knit as fast as you! Did you start that sweater like...I don't know...a hot minute ago?!

  2. Yeah, I could use some speed-knitting myself! Oh well, 45+ hours at a job doesn't leave a lot of time for knitting. But I still enjoy it, and that, my peeps, is the main thing!

  3. Those plummy colors do look pretty together. Can't wait to see your sweater.
