
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 8

Hello there!  So how was your week?  I haven't worked on anything since last Thursday...when I started this...
I joined my friend, Maureen, in making the Jacinta capelet...we are making it in Malabrigo Rasta..

I was frustrated because I kept coming up a stitch short....didn't figure it out, but fudge something and now it's going along swimmingly....I did put a few minutes in on it Tuesday night before the blog..

I also spent Saturday finishing the third book in that series I was reading, Knit One, Pearl One.  On Sunday I bought the new Clara one chapter, so far..

So anything new with you???  As always, please link back...thanks...


  1. I'm still coming down from my Stitches High. I know I said I was done decompressing but, really, I lied. My brain is just swimming and I think I'm going to take some time to address that today in a sketch book of some sort. We'll see what happens.

    In addition to that, Ive only done a little knitting....not much, to be honest. I did start a bear for the Mother Bear Project. It's a quick knit but I need just knit :)

  2. MMmmmm, Malabrigo! Is that stitch marker a little robot?
