
Friday, February 5, 2016

Wrap-Up friday - Week 5

I almost forgot to write a post....but then a snow day was called and I got up to post this....

So I am still struggling with no crafting mojo and WIP nothing on the crafting front for me...

I haven't been reading either, *sigh*

I did buy
so I may succumb to coloring today...I love folk art!

And well, I guess my work week is wrapped up....I'm still not feeling great, so going to eat something quick, take some medicine and head back to bed...Happy Friday all!


  1. I have been having the same issue. I currently have 4 WIP's and 2 books and nothing seems to be able to hold my attention. Must be the weather.

  2. Looking forward to seeing some colourfully finished pages! Maybe try a different craft for a bit? Or do something else...go into the garden, read a new book? Then it will feel fresh when you come back to it! <3
