
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 13

Hello!!!  Happy Stitch Along Wednesday - Tuesday night....the Hubs just asked why I posted it on Tuesday..and I said, "So I don't have to do it Wednesday morning"...and he said, "But it's Tuesday" which I replied..."It's Wednesday in some parts of the world."...he said, "You got me there.."

He he....
So not much else happening here...really, seriously...I crocheted a few stitches on something, but that's it.....guess that mojo has gone away again.....

Someone on Instagram dedicated February to finishing her sock WIPs....I think I may dedicate April to finishing my shawl WIPs...

We have...
Irish Oak

Edgy Carol
My Shelly Valentine (kind of a shawl/cowl/shawlette thingy)

Willow Fields

Outlander MKAL

Fire and Blood (Game of Thrones MKAL)

Light in Shadows...which is silk....

I am waiting for The Walking Dead season finale and dreading it at the same time.....I have Thursday off and M-W next week are half days for parent conferences....the following week is April, I'll have some time to finish things up....

How about you?  What type of WIP do you have the most of?  (I also have 6 socks WIPs)

Please link up...or just say hi.....


  1. ::sigh:: I just finished reclaiming about 700 yds of Malabrigo Chunky from my Freeport Vest. I might make it again in a smaller size but I doubt it.

    In the WIP world, socks socks socks...and a sweater. I think that's it for right now. That might change, however.

  2. I'm gunna link up this week, darnit! :P though my projects are kinda meh.

  3. That was a good answer. :) Your projects look lovely.

    I finally got around to spinning with some of my handspun yarn. The past month or so, I've mainly been spinning.

  4. Since moving to a much larger home, I now have a "craft room". So, some weeks ago I was working on whipping it into shape (an ongoing WIP...) and came across no less than 1 dozen small and two large projects that were unfinished. See my latest blog post for the list!

  5. I'm almost caught up on my WIPs for some reason. If I take action on the things piling up in my Ravelry queue, that could change very quickly. Suddenly I'll be ankle deep in socks.

  6. Good Morning! :-) Good Evening! :-) You have nice projects in the go. I'm not so sure about mine ... Regula
