
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 9

Hi ya' was your week?  I finished a project...yeah!!!!!  I think I only want to work in bulky yarn...things just finish up so quickly!!!!!

I put a little more length on my Stopover arm...but it's looking a bit wide, so don't think I'm going to increase anymore...I don't like tight arms, so I'm glad it'll be somewhat loose...just afraid of running out of yarn...
Sorry so dark

I also added a few rows to my Glenn Lives socks...which I'm hoping is true...and a few rows to my Edgy Carol....but there is not much difference in them...

Yesterday I was absolutely knackered....we had a field trip to a tech high school's culinary program to help make our children will be running a one day restaurant in was a great field trip...but I'm heading into that time of life...and I guess one of the symptoms is being tired...that's not going to play well with my anemia, as I'm already tired a majority of the time...*sigh*

Anyway, I came home and took a 2.5 hour nap and still went to bed by 9:30 and slept through...very tired!

How was your week?  Wednesday is Read Across America Day and/or Dr. Seuss's birthday....I get to wear my Green Eggs and Ham shirt....yeah!   Do you have a favorite Dr. Seuss?  I enjoy Green Eggs and Ham, The Cat in the Hat, etc...but I love Oh The Places You'll Go...and The Lorax....

As always, please link back...thanks!


  1. Tell me more about these Glenn Lives and Edgy Carol socks! If Glenn dies, I'll riot.

  2. I do like bulky yarn for that quick finish. Thin yarns just seem to keep going and going and going. You must have really been tired to sleep that much. I changed my eating 10 years ago and found that really helped with my overall well-being. And I'm always in bed early so I can get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, otherwise, I feel like a zombie. The field trip sounds nice for the kids. Happy March! Tammy

  3. Hop on Pop is my favourite. I used it to teach both my children to read, and could probably still recite the whole book from memory.
