
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 10

Evening my lovelies!  I have cast on something new...about an hour ago...earlier this evening, I decided I needed to cast on something with my Pot o' Gold yarn from the Cyborg's Craft Room.  I got it last year and started a sock with it...but it didn't work out...
So I frogged it a bit ago and decided tonight that I NEEDED to use that yarn RIGHT I have started The Oaklet Shawl with it.....and now it is almost bedtime and I just want to knit on it...sigh....
So what are working on?  Anything new?  I can't seem to stay with one project...I have a put a few rows in on a couple of other things....but I think this will get the majority of my time.....

As always, please link back...thanks for stopping...


  1. I'm finally going to finish a chevron scarf that I had started (and almost finished) two years ago. I have no idea why I let it sit for so long. I'm also beginning to knit with my handspun yarn. I'm a new spinner.

  2. There are some wips I don't want to think about. :-) I'd rather knit socks. Have a nice week. Regula

  3. Spring seems to bring with it both allergies and Startitis! I can almost smell the end of a cowl that OTN, so perhaps before next Wednesday I can pick up one (or two) of the UFOs lingering in the craft room. Knit fast, die warm!
