
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Stitch Along - Week 11

Céad míle fáilte ......

I am feeling good right now....took a nap when I got home from work....I usually take a nap when I get home, but this was a two hour doozy!  I did not sleep well last night, as the nap I took yesterday ended with a splitting headache that I could not get rid of....

So, I was planning on having my Irish Oak finished for Thursday...well that's not gonna happen....well it may be finished, but not I may steam block it to wear....but I do have the matching nails going on....

Oh and those of you that may have stopped by on Sunday, saw this...
And I lamented on how they were too big....well Renee...told me I'd feel like a "jackass" (it's all good) because I had them on backwards!  Yep, she was right!
Hope you are having a splendid  (not jackassey) day.....

As always, please link back....see you next week...

1 comment:

  1. Sorry. I had to laugh. It's one of those things that once you do it the correct way, you wonder how the heck you did it wrong in the first place. For example, when I learned to knit out of a book, the pictures were not very clear and it turns out, my knit stitch was always done through the back loop, resulting in twisted stitches all the time. I had no idea I was doing anything wrong and I felt like an idiot when someone showed me the correct way. And now I wonder how I knit several items through the back loop. ::sigh::
