
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Stash Acquistion Saturday

Good afternoon!  First day of my spring break....we were going to head to Rhode Island for The Great Rhody Crawl, but the FIL is not doing well, at the moment, so sticking a bit closer to home.  He goes in the hospital on Monday for a pacemaker....BUT...I have received some squishy mail this week!

First up...
Mad Color BAMF....this month is Mulan! Not my most favorite colors...but I'll probably gift it in some form...

Nerd Girl Random Fandom....Beginning Over Again With The Summer....A Great Gatsby reference...a book I'd rather poke my eye with a form than ever read again....let's just say too many courses required it...These are so not my colors, but something about this I find intriguing....they are great summer beachy colors...and the yarn is alpaca/silk/linen, so an interesting think I'll make something with this...

This is 80's skeins...
So much love!  She's doing a second set too....The Yarn At Home Mom

 I was in two swaps....The first one, I was a bit disappointed...very little contact with my swap partner....she finally sent me a message that she would be sending my package out late, as she had just gotten back from vacation...several day's later, I get this...
This is a bunch of mini where have I said I collect minis...and they came all stuffed intot he bag from the I have a feeling, she just went out and bought something when she got home and sent it to me..since I did get these, I ordered that 80's mini I'm going to make a cowl with them....

Then I got this from my Fibreshare partner...
With lots of notes attached, which I love....the orangey one was hand much happier with this was her first swap.....

So what about you?  I'm going to throw the link up, so even anyone wants to link to a recent stash purchase post...feel I have to download pictures....


  1. I'm with you on the Mad Color yarn. I like her stuff, but I end up with far too many skeins that are red and blue. I just opened my Monty Python shipment a little while ago and was happy to end up with magenta and purple.

  2. I don't understand why people participate in swaps if they aren't going to do it up right. You certainly have lots of yarn to work with. Have fun and enjoy your break.
