
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 14

Good evening my friends....going to have to take a new picture, since the red/white and blue capelet thing is done....

So how is everyone?  This week has been CRAZEE!!!!!  Snow Sunday into Monday caused a 2 hour delay...on a half day...we had the kids for 2.5 hours....then we had parent we had another 2 hour delay due to icy roads...and again a half day for parent conferences....tomorrow, we have a field trip, on a half day....Thursday, when we have night conferences, is going to SUCK!!!  The day will be never ending!  The only nice thing about night conferences is that we all go out to dinner's a great bonding time for the teachers....

So what am I doing right now?  Wearing a hat I bought at Stitches (I think) two years ago....I haven't really worn it, but as I was sitting down to do the blog post...there it was...
It's kind of Downton Abbeyish....yeah, don't look at the background...we have no storage in this apartment, but we have this extra everything gets thrown in here....

So, as I said on Sunday, no knitting mojo.....but I did start a new crochet it is
Sorry for the bad's dark here and I'm too lazy to put on the big light....It's this

I've been looking for a crochet shawl to make....I think I'm going to love it...and really simple pattern! 

So how about you?  I have vacation coming up...and I.Can't.Wait!!!!!!!  That also makes this week a long a$$ one.....catch ya' later....


  1. Crud. I posted the wrong link for Mr. Linky. Are you able to delete it?

  2. I love your crochet thing..hehe. That is going to make a beautiful shawl.

  3. Avantaknits....yes I can, but for some reason, not on my I'll have to get on the desk top....but you can add a second link, if you want....and yes I noticed that last went to the WordPress sign in page...
