
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 15

Good morning!  How is everyone this fine April day? I am on vacation...I didn't do much Saturday through Monday...but yesterday I picked up two lingering WIPs...

First up, Willow Fields....Hurrah!  I am on the decreasing side...but it is still a repeat of 8 rows done 50 times, so not going to be finished any time soon...

Then I worked on Irish new picture, as it looks the same, all bunched up on the needles...I am on the border!!!!!!  Bunch also playing yarn I am on row 5 of 21....and I am going to run out of I'll have to figure out where to quit, so I have enough to bind off....I also messed up the row...but I fudged it, as I messed up at the very beginning and I was not tinking back 233 I'm living with it...

Seems as if I can never actually do a pattern without some type of mess up...and a bit of fudging...

I also put a few rows onto my Edgy Carol....and worked a bit on a few socks...but I am trying to stick with my April is for Shawls month....and my next shawl cast-on is in the mail!!!!!!  So I'd love to finish these two, at least!

I'll also be joining this Knit Along...I bought the yarn for the Meandering Top awhile ago, so going to knit that.  The new Game of Thrones MKAL is pretty intriguing, although I never finished the last one...*sigh*...but the colors!!!!

So how about you?  What are up to this week?  Any close finishes?  As always, please link back...


  1. Ah, design elements.....must love the design elements!

    I've just been plugging along on the test knit sweater I'm doing. Seriously, at the rate I'm going, I'll have it done in a week or two....except now I'm getting to the "boring" stockinette section, which means long rows of purls and knits. ::sigh:: Oh well. The yoke went fast!

  2. I seriously don't think that handmade should ever have to be perfect. It's all about the process. And finishing, at some point. :) Enjoy the rest of your week.

  3. A teacher in some craft class or another said, "If you can't fix it, feature it!" I do lots of featuring.
