
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 16

Happy Tuesday night/Wednesday.....

So this past week was my Spring Break/vacation...and I had many knitting and crochet plans....I really wasn't doing much else....and what did I do?  I watched a lot of tv and movies....and I didn't do much crafting....oh the shawls I had plans for....*sigh*

I did work on my Irish Oak...and came to a screeching HALT!  Why?  Well I messed up the border segment, but just decided to go with it....then I started playing yarn chicken....and I decided to just bind off....and well I don't like I'm going to border it in another what do you think?
Here are some choices I I go with something that kind of matches or a totally different color?  On the left is a yellow, but it's a DK, so I'd have to buy something...then there is Simon's Vest from Deep Water Dye Works...On the right..the top is Madelinetosh in Daffodil, Yarns to Inspire in Indian Desert and then two Madelinetosh...Bark and Betine...yarn close up
I also started a sock from was her special tribute to Spock after Leonard Nimoy died...
Haven't gotten far, but wanted something to work on during the train ride into NYC....and I did, until train got full very fast and I didn't have enough room....Took it to an exhibition football game at UCONN....but was too windy to work on it there...I tried...
So what to do?...How has your week been?  Anything new?  Anything done?  Let me know if you have an opinion about the border.....


  1. I like the brown the best. Good luck! I did a bit of crochet on my mandala. But I'm still resting my ellbow. I sewed. I waited for spring which is here today! Yes!

  2. Yarn chicken, always an adventure! Looking forward to seeing what you choose.
