
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 20

Good evening/morning/afternoon my peeps!

I have every intention of coming home after school and knitting or crocheting....instead...I do this...
It's four weeks till the end of the school year.....and we are doing a big project....our kids are running a restaurant on Friday...yep, they are cooking/baking....they are the waitstaff, hosts, managers, we have a lot going on and it's a lot of structured, but at the same time, unstructured time....and I have several boys who can't quite handle that....and I'm exhausted....I have things to grade...bags of things to grade...and I just can't bring myself to do any of I'm a natural procrastinator........grrr......

So how has your projects been this week?  If you want to see what I have been working on, there are pics on Sunday's post...

See you again next week....


  1. I know exactly what you mean. Stay cool! ;-)

  2. LOL! I hear you!! I just finished my semester and am the opposite--super castonitis since I'm so excited to have summer start. Getting back into the habit of commenting--thanks for being such a consistent visitor to my blog!

  3. Lookitdatkitty! I know how that feels. The good thing is eventually things slow down and you can breathe.
