
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Stash Acquistion Saturday

So yesterday, I spent the day tossing the stash, moving things around.  I am donating the majority of my acrylic/big box yarns.  We have these bags that are about twice the size of a regular kitchen garbage bag...and I have filled about 10 of them...mind you I have already given away at least 4 bags before this....when I buy yarn, I buy yarn....anyway I am donating it...two bags went with my MIL to the nursing home where my FIL recuperated.....and I will be bringing a few more to school in the fall...for a few people there....

And yarn keeps arriving at my house.....although, right now, the majority of it is not is for my swap partner in Fibreshare...

Yesterday's arrival was mine...I ordered some Felici from KnitPicks....I have never ordered from KnitPicks....they did a dirty to a local, indie person many years ago....(and oh I just read about another case) can look up Knitpicks and Dyakcraft or KPixie (both were in business before KnitPicks), if interested. Anyway I do have some Knitpicks yarn given to me in a swap and a set of their needles picked up in an LYS closing sale....and I had heard so much amazing things about Felici and I really wanted their Time Traveler colorway, so I figured I'd get it this one time to see what the fuss was all about.  I bought three colors, as I doubt I will purchase from them again.  My first thought was, "wow it's so soft!"
So I got Time Traveler, Lost Lakes and Kaleidoscope.

The sneak peek I put up on Wednesday was Pretty Little Zombies by LoLoDidIt
And my latest from the MadColor Clubs

From Joss is Boss - The Monster Room inspired by The Cabin in the Woods

From the BAMF club - Mhysa Daenerys...this is just gorgeous!

From The Blue Brick - Kim's Barn
Gerber Daisy...

She takes inspiration photos and creates yarn from them!  She sends you a little card of the inspiration photo...just gorgeous!

Then I stopped at a LYS when I was out with the Hubs last reason was one of the dyers I follow on Instagram had said she'd shipped some yarn there...
Savvy Skeins...Where The Sidewalk Ends
While there I picked up this contrast skein for it...Reywa Fibers in Summer Berry...this is 100% Tibetan Yak Down and is so luscious!!!!

That berry color is in splattered throughout the other skein...

Also got some cotton that was on sale, Mirasol Hap'i
And some Happy Fuzzy Yarn. it's Corriedale and nylon..I wanted to try it...
My "Just Keep Swimming" yarn arrived and I have cast on a sock...
Pretty packaging....

oh and I ordered Derby Day '16  from Rock and String Creations...
not sure I ever shared the last one I ordered from them..Appalachian Autumn
I think that may be it for now....I think the only things coming in are the ones I ordered for my Fibreshare partner and my clubs....not sure if I'll buy any when I'm in Florida.....

But going through my stash helps to quell the desire to buy as I am quite SABLE.....and I need to use some up before buying some more....yeah...we'll see how long that last...

1 comment:

  1. That was a not good move on KnitPick's part. I've seen the same style of needles from a number of places. I can't say that I'll not buy from them again, but I will not buy any needles.

    Love the Dory picture.
