
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 22

Good morning!  I'm actually typing this on Wednesday morning...early Wednesday morning!  So tired still..

So yes, I have some WIPs, I have worked on..yeah!

This is a new was a KAL, which is now over....The Very Shannon Tops, Tanks and Tees Knitalong  

At the time, I couldn't find the yarn I had bought for the top, but I found it on Monday and started the Meandering Top....This is both sides...I think I ended up doing the edge backwards, so I'm going to have to flip it inside out....

I also restarted for the third time my Garter Path Shawl....I actually marked where I was in the pattern this time...

So, hopefully that will be coming along nicely soon....

So what have you been up to?  Please link back...thanks...

1 comment:

  1. Hope your shawl goes without hitch this time! Love the colour.
