
Friday, July 15, 2016

Florida Adventure

So I have always wanted to go on an airboat ride.  I didn't care if I saw alligators, the ride just looked cool!  My mom and I talked about it the last time I was down, but never ended up going.  My aunt lives closer to the Everglades, so we decided to go one day with my cousin Tracy. We went to the Sawgrass Recreation Park

We got on the boat and then promptly got off the boat because there was storm coming in...
And we waited...

It was quite a rainstorm....we got pretty wet, even though we were under cover...

One of the boats came untied during the storm and they had to tow it back....

After the rainstorm, we had to continue to wait because of a maritime law about the distance of we checked out the animal exhibits...these were all rescued cousin Tracy had gotten her degree in zoology or something like that...
Really BIG alligator

Imagine keeping that as a pet!
I love these foxes!
Really big tortoises
There were many more...lots of alligators, 2 Florida panthers, birds of prey, etc....

Finally we could get on...
And off for the ride!

We did see a couple of gators in the wild....of course they try to attract them to the boats...
So much fun!!!!! We only took the 30 minute ride....I'd love to go out and take the 60 minute ride....

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