
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 27

A little late this morning...was not feeling great yesterday and have been sleeping later.  Still visiting Florida, but at Mom's now near Lakeland.

I have been crafting quite a bit.....

This is crochet, and I'm loving this...I added a few more rows to this after I took the picture.

My Reyna got a few more rows too....

And I think I finally got the loops figured out on Miss Winkle....did the last two without having to rip them out and redo...woo-hoo!

And finally my Memo/Dory socks.....the orange is hard to photograph....

How about you? What have you been up to? I'll have posts about my trip when I get always, please link back.


  1. Love all the colors! I am working only with neutral colors these last weeks, it's nice to see a splash of color!!

  2. What do you do with your shawls - are they for you or for gifts?
